Bible Classes

Bible Classes


The members at Capshaw church of Christ are committed to providing quality Bible-focused instruction in all of our classes.  We believe that Bible learning is essential in developing Christian character, building better homes, making better life choices, and most importantly, developing individual relationships with God.

We offer Bible classes for all ages every Sunday morning at 9:00am and Wednesday evening at 7:00pm. 

We currently have classes for the following ages:

  • 12 months to 23 months
  • 2 and 3 year olds
  • 4 and 5 year olds
  • K - 1st grade
  • 2nd  - 3rd grade
  • 4th - 5th grade
  • 6th - 8th grade
  • 9th - 12th grade
  • Adult - Multiple Classes 

All classes are taught by enthusiastic men and women that love the truth and care deeply about the spiritual welfare of their students.  We invite you to come and experience the benefits that Bible-based learning can provide for you and your family.

  1. Bible Class
    3/9/25 09:00am
  2. Sunday Worship
    3/9/25 09:50am
  3. Monthly Singing
    3/9/25 04:00pm
  4. Bible Class
    3/12/25 07:00pm
  5. Bible Class
    3/16/25 09:00am
  6. View Full Calendar